Since you haven't solved the problem yet, please try some of these, one
at a time :

1. Be sure that the "Transmission power" on your router's wireless
advanced settings is set to "High"
2. Uncheck "Short GI" on your router's wireless advanced settings

3. If you're not using any 802.11n clients (ie if none of your laptops
has a wifi-n adapter) :
____ 3a. Set  "Mixed 802.11g and 802.11b" for "802.11 Mode" on your
router's wireless settings
____ 3b. Choose channel 5 on your router's wireless settings

Hope this will help.

BTW, ideally your WHS should be connected to your router with a
Ethernet cable : this is the best way to minimize collisions and
optimize wi-fi bandwidth.


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