Not everyone on the planet gets a hardon over iPhones and the apps that
can be shoehorned into them. It makes more sense for Logitech to keep
their SlimDevices team focused on SD products. I have trouble buying
the notion that millions of people are going to go through a mental
process along the lines of, hey, I have an iPhone; I wonder what
neato-keen apps I can put on it; oh, look! there's this app for
something called SqueezeBox, I wonder what that is?; hey, that looks
like a cool app so I think I'll go buy some SqueezeBoxes so I'll have a
reason to install and use this cool iPhone app. Maybe it really would
make SBs fly off the shelves, but it doesn't sound like a rock-solid
foundation for a business plan to me. The target market for SBs is not
identical to that for iPhones, despite the fact that there will
obviously be some overlap. I like the fact that Slim has focused on
-music- and targeted people who are interested in music; a phone (even
a glitzy one with gee-whiz gizmos) isn't what music lovers think of
when they're looking for a music system. Since the SD software is open
source, if there's a real market for iPhone tie-ins, somebody will
develop them, and Slim will profit from it by selling hardware. But
taking resources from their engineering development pool to work for
Apple, when they could be improving their own products doesn't make
much sense.

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