Actually there are two crocodiles.

In addition to the debut of the Apple App Store, a few days ago Apple
updated the firmware of the Apple TV to version 2.3.

The Apple TV, which is equally an audio player as well as a video
player, with its own built-in hard drive for storing music files, can
now, with the update, stream music to any room in the house via the
wi-fi network by wireless connection to an Airport Express connected to
an amp or powered speakers.  

And this can be controlled, also through the wi-fi network, by the
“Remote” application available for the iPhone/iPod Touch.  

So basically your music library can be broadcast to any room in your
house without the need for your computer to be on.  

This also works for internet radio streaming from the Apple TV as well.
(This needs to be set up first: In iTunes, go to your favorite radio
station under Radio, drag it to a new playlist. Add as many radio
stations you want to the playlist. Sync the new playlist with your
Apple TV.  On your “Remote” application, navigate to the new "radio"
playlist you made. Select the stream you want to play and you're ready
to go. The computer does not have to be on.)

The Apple TV has become a music server for your local network.  It
serves both local music files and internet radio to any room in your
house.   And the iPhone/iPod Touch acts as a controller for this.

The Airport Express is $99.  

Just another example of competition in action.

Slim Devices may want to consider its own hard drive equipped
Squeezebox with networking capabilities as a response.

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