Cool it is. I'm cringing a bit to see how badly Verizon will cripple it
when it comes out. I may end up switching carriers, but everywhere I go
Verizon has great reception, while other carries last I checked seemed
to have dead zones in half of my house! Go figure.

Usability is personal. I have software that only runs on WM that I have
become dependent on for my profession so an iPhone is not very useful. I
don't want too much from a PDA/phone: decent battery life and call
reception, ability to run the professional support software I use. MP3
over a headset is useful, internet browsing is gravy and would mainly
be usefull for syncing up databases. My stuff has to work if there is
no internet. 

I would prefer to migrate away from windows, but extensive searching
has not yielded with the same functionality in the Linux, or mac world.
It works out for people less locked in by their jobs to MS products.

That has always been the problem with Apple, if you did what they
thought you needed to do it was great; if not well ... Thats why I've
been exploring linux in Gentoo and unbuntu flavors. There are
increasingly capable software packages and at times open source is MORE
compatible than Microsoft with older MS files. I was a bit dissappointed
though in OpenOffice 3's handling of Word 2003 files but hopefully that
will improve. I want to migrate away from windows but in my profession
as a corporate employee having to use ms office, MSActiveSync, cisco
vpn, citrix, IE6 for remote access, it is looking much harder than I
had hoped. Best I can hope for is to get something like VirtualBox
running my XP and Office 2007 concurrent with a linux desktop

I've used Gentoo for years, and now debian/ubuntu for my home servers
and they have been solid and reliable. Then Gentoo box once went 320+
days up before I had to bring it down for an upgrade. Thats on 10-11
year Bx6 motherboard and celeron 400. Latest debian kernel runs just
fine on it as long as you don't try KDE or Gnome. XFCE is bit slow but
usable and Thunar (even firefox) not bad over an SSH X session. Took
forever for it to come back up as it insisted on checking every f...g
filesystem (600G and DMA 33 IDE argh) So far, debian/unbuntu on the
same box is working fine, up 3 weeks since finishing ubuntu install and
seems to be running just as fast as with Gentoo. Of course, its all alot
faster on the AMD 2.5Ghz/4GB ram box <G>.

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