Mark Lanctot wrote:
> peter;364264 Wrote: 
>>> At some point there is an obligation to support the company that
>>> started all this and made it all open.
>> No, there isn't. The SD folks probably started SD to get rich and they
>> succeeded. Their choice of the open source model was instrumental in 
>> this. It has advantages and disadvantages, risks and benefits.
> If enough people decided not to get SB players then sales will drop
> enough that eventually Logitech will shut down the unit.  If these
> devices get discontinued and the development team gets redeployed to
> other Logitech units then everyone here will suffer.  While
> SqueezeCenter will still be available and distributable (being open
> source), development will be severely affected.  Also no new firmware
> for any Logitech/SD device.

I'll be damned if I buy SD hardware to keep them afloat.
My house is full enough of the stuff already.


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