I guess the dilemma that a lot of us face is that SB kit is the enabler
that sits between your music files and your audio equipment and given
that it works so well it leads to a lot of people asking questions over
the overall solution

- How should I manage my music ?
- Do I need a dedicated music server ?
- What speakers should I use ?
- Do I need a DAC ?

etc. etc.

It in effect becomes a project and for me a very enjoyable one at that,
I do however agree that a music server of sorts would be powerful, say a
link with Logitech and a NAS supplier for example.

As this started on a discussion re: iphones/iTouch, we can look at
apple who offer users products to meet some of their requirements such
as Mac Mini, AppleTV etc. - I'm not suggesting for a second to use them
but I guess Logitech are concentrating on the enabling part.

sander;365182 Wrote: 
> To me this sounds like the only missing piece in the Logitech arsenal,
> but obviously offering a home server unit is a whole can of worms,
> which moves way beyond music.
> Like you I have a readynas, but ultimately built another unit so I
> could run MusicIP, which has been well worth the effort BTW. Slim and
> Readynas had high hopes for this before their respective buyouts, but
> ultimately the original Readynas has a too puny of a CPU to do
> Squeezecenter justice. The new Readynas architecture would work better,
> especially now the 7.3 has a plugin installer, but I don't think the
> companies have the same relationship any more.
> As for the original point of the thread, if the ultimate goal of
> Logitech is to get people to run Squeezecenter and buy into the
> hardware which subsidizes the development then I don't see how catering
> to people who buy into a completely different system (itunes) helps at
> all. Even if there's a short term uptick in sales, they're ultimately
> undermining their main product.
> I used a number of other music streaming devices, before I finally went
> all Squeezecenter a couple of months ago, and the more you mix systems
> the less you get out of Squeezecenter. All systems seem to interpret
> tags differently, and moving playlists between systems is always a
> pain.
> I think the best solution is for Logitech to continue what they've been
> doing and that is to offer everyone more ways to access Squeezecenter
> from as many devices as possible, while saving the best integration for
> their devices.
> I'd like to see a better computer software client, which should be here
> with 7.3, and hopefully a gateway to transfer music to portable devices
> someday.

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