Mark Lanctot;394724 Wrote: 
> That said, the 2.66 GHz processor could be an infamous Pentium 4
> Prescott (aka P4D) which ran very, very hot.
Thanks again for taking the time to give information.  According to
HWInfo it's a Northwood.  To be honest, I hadn't really looked at the
spec much, since I was given the machine, and it replaced an old Compaq
iPaq desktop that was really struggling.

I'm currently doing a scan with Speedfan running (it's still on
Directory Scan and all seems well).  However, I haven't really looked
around Speedfan yet, and the CPU is reading -128C, which I'm guessing
is not right (half way to absolute zero is probably a little
excessive!).  All other temperatures reading fine though (23-36C). 
I'll keep an eye on it for when it gets to the meatier processing.

Off to download netstumbler to see if I can't get the wireless thing
sorted.  The neighbours are new, and I'm guessing they're running a
wireless network, plus probably some cordless phones, TV senders and -
hey - flying a model aircraft round the room just to monkey with my
signal some...

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