maggior;441720 Wrote: 
> I've NEVER experienced rebuffering messages in the past.  I ran 7.2.1
> for a long time because each time I upgraded to a new version I would
> have dropouts.  Always, going back to 7.2.1 would fix it. 

That's been my experience exactly.

> 7.3.3 has been pretty solid for me, but I've experienced the dreaded
> rebuffering situation. .... It seems too coincidental that these
> rebuffering messages are popping up now that I've moved to 7.3.3.  They
> are annoying, but infrequent enough that I've decided to stick it out. 

I found that going from wireless to wired improved things somewhat
(less rebuffering), which is why I now keep my SB3 tethered.  I found
that if I turned the microwave on (or sent negative vibes to anyone,
etc.), wireless mode would be interrupted.  Another advantage of the
wired method is that the unit is much more responsive.

Following some of the previous posts, I tried the network test.  It
showed a continuous 100% at the highest transfer rate.  I do find that
7.3.3 is better about rebuffering than the previous version (though that
might be attributable to the ethernet connection).  It doesn't happen
very often, but when it does, it's a pain in the @ss.  Resetting the
unit doesn't fix it.  I'd rather not reinstall the system software for
my Readynas if I can avoid it - especially when the benefits of doing so
are uncertain.  I plan at this point to remove the few resident programs
that are running on the NAS and see if that helps.  If the rebuffering
continues, I'll be reinstalling 7.2.1 once again.  

I'd be interested to know what changed about the Squeezecenter software
after 7.2.1 to make rebuffering such a problem for so many people.


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