> Well, since you haven't tried the C-200...

I did try. But i wouldn't like to tell here the circumstance. It was an
early firmware on it and not a final release. So i can say only final
release should be better.

> It's not good performance at all, but it runs. We might look into using
> the old 6.5.4 with sqlite or so too, anything to get the  extra
> performance - if needed - to make it run.

I did say exact this in my first posting here in this thread.... from
technical point...

> And what does GPL violations and mpd got to do with anything concerning
> running SqueezeCenter on on the NMT platform? That's totally mixing
> apples with pears.

I agree. Because i know also PCH Mods read inside here :-) was just a
sidekick to the things what make sence.
To buy a new C200 machine and let SC run to keep it run. Expensive
Solution. If you have a C200 and no other possibilities for SC ok, do
What can make sense is a player for the SC. But here it can not be Open
Source, because of Sigmas restrictions.

> And there's no compromise in audio quality whatsoever. The only thing I
> can think of is the usability with slow navigation of big media
> libraries.
Sigma Chips are known for not the best Audio Quality. Analog audio
output of the A110 is well known. Digital output goes direct through the
Sigma chip. I prefer SB3 and Duet Sound Quality

> You are entitled to your opinion about NMT's, but it will not change the
> minds of those who will have a C-200 and is looking for a way to serve
> their Squeezeboxes/Transporters/Duets/whatevers from it - as the
> original post is about.

I beleave your promisses it will be made possible... Somehow. When C200
is available i am awaiting your instalation instruction... If it comes.

Ok i must tell others that i personally was never so dissapointet with
a product like the A110. I do not own a TV and did bought it because i
did beleave of the promises it can play audio via network. But i did
beleave in their promisses to make a reasonable audio possible. So i mix
to much negative emotions inside this.
The best i was done after this i bought a Squeezebox and here i have to
say thanks to the PCH forums to make me attention to it.

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