While I compliment your honesty, you still seem to mix some things up.

The OP/first post is not asking to use the NMT as a player, like you
seem to imply. The OP is asking for the possibility of running a
SqueezeCenter installed on a C-200. That has nothing to do with the
closed source Sigma libraries, just as there is Realtek libraries on the
Xtreamer, or Microsoft kernel on Windows, AIX libs/drivers on some IBM
servers etc. The Sigma libs and the issue with mpd is totally unrelated
to this thread and I have no idea why you are still there.

In the scenario Gibbo (and I) is arguing for, there will be no audio
quality issues at all since the decoding is done on the Squeezebox
itself. Our ambition is to get SqueezeCenter running on the C-200 to
serve Squeezebox(es), not for playback on the NMT itself.
If it's possible, we really want to try even though there are far
better solutions. But we are not discussing the best and most optimal
solution: this thread is about the feasibility of running SC on a

Like Gibbo, I already own a Squeezebox. Happy user since several years
enjoying music and radio streams playback. The current generation of
NMT's are really far behind in comparison, allthough the "Music Jukebox"
and the SqueezeNMT project has some minor potential.

I also use my Squeezebox as a wireless bridge for my NMT, apart from
when I need to use CAT6 for really high bitrate movies. Judging from the
NMT forum, there seems to be at least a couple of more Squeeezebox users
in a similar situation. 

Since the Squeezebox does not do video as the NMT does, these two
products compliment my A/V environment very well. I will get the C-200
for BD-ROM playback apart from my SD DVD rips - and the better
performance to go. Having the two products, I want to try to use them
together as much as I can, without the need for extra equipment. I don't
want an Asus EeePC or anything like it to run SC. THAT would be a waste
in my scenario, but maybe not yours and others. 

I have not made any sort of promise anywhere that it will work to setup
the SC on the C-200. I have implied that it could work, but that will
have to be tested once there is an actual C-200 available to try it on!
I don't have one so obviously I'm not entitled to any promising. But I
can speculate, given the released specifications.

Most people apart from reviewers at some magazines have no idea how
poor or good playback performance is on the C-200 - this product is not
yet even released to public and the people that do have seen it in live
action should be under NDA. But again, we really don't care since it is
the C-200 SqueezeCenter setup we are looking for, not any playback on
this product.

If am able to do the setup successfully, once I get my hands on a C-200
and a working toolchain, I'll be very glad to post the instructions for
you and anyone interesting to read it.

By now I hope I've made the objective of running SC on the C-200
understood? Sorry for the ranting if that was already clear.

(Small note for anyone who cares: I am NOT affiliated with Popcorn Hour
or Syabas Inc, but I do own a Popcorn Hour A-100 -purchased with my own
money- and I am an honorary moderator -not paid or endorsed- at the
NetworkedMediaTank.com; an NMT owner's forum sponsored through hosting
by Syabas Inc.)

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