Gibbo wrote:
> How would that be better? People have actually created squeezeplay style
> programs for the A series popcorns. It'd be nice I grant you that...
1. It would be better because that way I'd have one less device in my 
living room. Since my house is equiped with a 24/7 server I have no use 
for SC on an NMT. Where is that squeezeplay-style software on the NMT, I 
don't believe there is any. Oh yes, you can show what you're playing on 
the TV but I don't want that, I'd want the NMT to play the music 
controlled with an SBC. When I play music the TV is off.

> What we are looking for is full control that means the home PC doesn't
> need to be turned on to play music. I don't own a NAS and don't see the
> point in me buying one. I'm confused by people expense arguments here?
> The C-200 is $299, the QNAP 239 pro for example is over $520...

Who needs a home PC when they have a home server?
> I understand that the C-200 may not be as powerful as a QNAP 239, but
> it also does a lot more so much so that I will probably be buying one
> anyway. This would just be a real big bonus, and essentially a free one.
I believe the problem is that the NMT people prefer to keep the system 

> The cost of a C-200 and a lot of HDD space would cost about the same as
> a bare QNAP with no drives, plus if it can do the same job as the NAS
> just with the added feature of being a fully functioning Blu ray player
> and media player that'll play anything you throw at it then the choice
> is a no brainer for me, not for everyone, but for me.
> I'd never stump up the money for a NAS if I'm honest, I don't see the
> point, rather than spending $500 i'd rather just wait those 30seconds
> for my PC to boot up after a WoL, but if teh C-200 can do it, then wooo!

Life's to short for waiting ;)


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