arztde;466208 Wrote: 
> WHOW, and you realy think the change you are happy with this change? YOU
> are the first one that announce the switching back from iPhone/iPeng.
> Interesting for others to hear, because it should happen not so often
> that someone use both solutions.
> The change and testing to 7.4 was very painfull in my case. I did setup
> 7.4 onmy laptop. and did try first to use it with the software players
> first. Special the Squeezeplay Software what should be similar to the
> Duet was not working and was not able to connect to the server and
> special to
> Because Locuth use my Duet (in parts for developement) i hope until i
> see not less rumors he do not update for some days to 7.4
> This cause major problems for compatibility of Slimcontrol because it
> is optimised for 7.1-7.33.
> The squeezenetwork was not necessary until now, because Locuth do it in
> a different way to make the Services (Applications like running
> without the Squeezenetwork connection.
> Here in fact i see now a problem with 7.4 because there seems a major
> change. I can no more use with SlimControl Last.FM advanced features
> like i could do before. And they where special more advanced than inside
> SB3 possible. It was more easy to find any song and artist than in any
> other online libary directly.
> As it runs now it needs to sort out how to do best. Maybee a version
> 1.0 what is announced as stable needs to come in 2 Versions for server
> up to 7.3x and another that runs from Version 7.4
> Sad this is, so short in front of release date 1.0 of SlimControl to
> see such major changes inside the Server.

Figured mention of the switch from iPhone --> Windows Mobile would get
some reaction!

For a number of years I used Windows Mobile and then got iPhone last
year.  Unfortunately the iPhone got stolen in China this summer so I had
a choice of replacements.  Decided to return to WM due to the
flexibility!  No question iPhone OS makes Windows Mobile look like an
old man...  Microsoft has ALOT of catching up to do in the user
interface department.  But for business oriented apps like mobile Word /
Excel, or as a doctor I wanted to have access to medical books without
being tied to the Internet, Windows Mobile works for me.

Regarding the SqueezeBox -- iPeng is awesome and I still use it on my
wife's iPhone.  Does everything including selecting input source on the
Transporter, etc...  My main purpose is to browse through my music
library so for that SlimControl works and I'm thankful for that.  Have
not had any problems with 7.4.  It installed on my Windows Home Server
automatically with no fuss.  I admit I don't listen to the radio much so
will try it out later.  I sure hope Sebastian continues to improve this
program - would love to see it take on iPeng one day in terms of

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