maybee you look for the english translation of the german for "arzt"
"de" is just the TLD for Germany. Lot of things to exchange maybee... ... if you know Osirix or care2x i will be

The Blue Angel PDA is not bad and with a ROM Kitchen you get a 30.-
Euro PDA you can give with ease WIN MOBILE 6.5 or soon 7.0 funktionality
or finish

Archimago;466670 Wrote: 
> ... as a doctor I wanted to have access to medical books without being
> tied to the Internet, or upload my own PDF's to my SD card, Windows
> Mobile works for me.
> Regarding the SqueezeBox --   It installed on my Windows Home Server
> automatically with no fuss.  I admit I don't listen to the radio much so
> will try it out later.  I sure hope Sebastian continues to improve this
> program - would love to see it take on iPeng one day in terms of
> functionality!

Sebastians program have another intention as ipeng basicely. Its not
the wish to make a Squeezeserver copy to the PDA... Its more designed to
have the usability at the first place and the rest have to suborder

Before 7.4 there was no realy need for a squeezenetwork integration but
this needs now to be discussed. The way Sebastian choose in the Versions
from 0.96 what are only testing a few users was improved services
usability without any need to connect to squeezenetwork. with the pda.

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