The more competion the better for all!  :)

That said, the "swiss army knife" approach to media streaming (video,
pics, music, etc..) is certainly a popular alternative.  Heck, for very
simplistic "all in one" streaming you could just use a PS3 or similar
device for casual use.  But such "all in one" approaches are usually
lacking in features & functions compared to dedicated devices like the
SB players are to music or a NMT (Network Media Tank) device is to

Think of it this way:  We all have those "multi-tool" devices in our
tool box (screw driver, saw, knife, scissors, tweezers, etc... all in
one) and they are handy for casual use.  But would you use this for a
serious job?  Do professional contractors have these in there tool
belts?  Not likely.  Serious jobs require serious and task specific
tools.  I'm casual about my video streaming so I just use a PS3. 
If/when I get serious about video streaming I'll look into a dedicated
device to do so.  I'm not so casual about my music streaming (my
library, Music Services, Internet Radio) so I have chosen a serious,
dedicated device to do so.  Hello SqueezeBox.   :)

As suggested, you really must compare features, benefits, flexibility,
codec support, etc... to your needs.

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