WustrowO;471249 Wrote: 
> You might prove for yourself, which bugs are bugs ;)
> A normal user shouldn't be forced to file technical bug report forms,
> but call the support in case of problems. Unfortunately, the support
> lines react very slowly at the moment (or don't react at all). So many
> people end up here... IMHO the Logitech employees in this forum are
> responsible for the customer reports here and should decide by
> themselves if a bug report is useful/necessary or other ways of
> providing help are more promising. I'm quite sure that many people here
> disagree with my point of view. But did you ever fill in a bug report
> for your DVD player or similar devices? 
> But to get back to my suggestion: The listed problems did't exist with
> Squeezenetwork. You're probably right that it's more complicated to
> maintain 2 services. On the other hand, no problems would have emerged
> for the users of the "old" platform. But it's just a suggestion and it
> would have been even better to provide MySB without bugs. ;)
Prove to myself? Two of the five bugs you mentioned applied to me. I
lost my podcasts, but was able to restore them by copying the
podcast.prefs file from my system backup. Yes, a bug, but easily
resolved. I also had problem with MySB login (actually with 7.4 beta a
couple days before official release), and that was resolved within 24
hours via email to tech support. I don't use Shoutcast, but I looked and
saw that of course you were right, and looked further to see that a
Logitech employee had opened a bug report on it. I don't use RSS or
SkyFM, but I trust you when you say they have bugs.  If you don't think
"normal users" should file bug reports, why do you think normal users
should "prove" bugs that don't affect them?

The comparison to a DVD player is off the mark because SBs and SC/SBS
are completely different products from DVD players or toasters.
Sometimes I do report bugs for other software products (incl Windows,
Excel, Firefox), although I don't do it very often because in most cases
the message appears to go into a black hole. "Normal users" are under no
obligation to file bug reports. And they are free to complain as loudly
as they wish. I happen to think that filing a bug report is a more
constructive way to resolve bugs, but I also agree that it's not for

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