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Question: Is third party plugins/applets important for your Squeezebox
purchases ?
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless support for third
  party development is prioritized
- I won't buy any more Squeezebox products unless the third party
  plugins I rely on is supported
- I use third party plugins but I would still consider buying more
  Squeezebox products without them
- I don't use third party plugins so they aren't important to my
  Squeezebox purchases

mherger;504112 Wrote: 
> It's rather a matter of fact that we (the Logitech developers) lack the
> time and resources to better support 3rd parties (by providing
> documentation or stabilizing APIs etc. - see that other thread).

Well, not changing APIs so that existing plugins work in the future as
well would be a start, wouldn't it?

It's more than "no time", it's also "no priority".

And THAT is a decision, the decision about how to prioritize things.
"No time" then follows suite.

The priorities are something like (I'm guessing and doing examples, I
don't know about the real priorities)
1 Get Touch done
2 Fix Radio's Alarm
3 Get services intensive bugs out
4 do some other strategically important things (after all, the
ressources that got moved off the project must have been moved off for a
5 maintain 3rd-party functionality

Given the fact that indeed some pretty important - even for new and
not-so-experienced customers - features of the Squeezebox are provided
by 3rd parties this is a decision that very much has a short-term
As long as it only stays for the short term (e.g. until 1+2 are done)
that may be fine, if it continues after that, I'd expect it to
eventually impact sales of existing products.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=73698

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