lcjohnson;504271 Wrote: 
> Again my system is configured as:
> - Windows XP SP 3 w/ IE8. I have a simple shared network.
> - Music folders are on a newly installed NetGear ReadyNAS Duo net
> attached server.
> - Running Squeezebox Server Version: 7.4.1 at (fixed IP
> addr)
> - I have done the mod on the file on the server and rebooted the
> server.
> - I have installed mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.6-win32.msi
> - The media share on the server is mapped as drive M:
> - Full remote path to music share is M:\Music
> nas-D3-2B-F8:/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/MySQL/
> # $Id$
> #
> # Squeezebox Server specific MySQL Server config.
> [mysqld]
> innodb
> skip-locking
> # If you want to have user permissions - you need to setup a valid
> user, and
> # remove this line below.
> skip-grant-tables
> basedir               = [% basedir %]
> datadir               = [% datadir %]
> tmpdir                = [% datadir %]
> language              = [% language %]
> port                  = [% port %]
> socket                = [% socket %]
> pid-file              = [% pidFile %]
> log-error             = [% errorLog %]
> innodb_fast_shutdown  = 1
> max_connections       = 4
> thread_concurrency    = 4
> log-warnings          = 0
> #bind-address          = [% bindAddress %]
> default-character-set = utf8
> default-collation     = utf8_general_ci
> key_buffer            = 2M
> max_allowed_packet    = 1M
> table_cache           = 64
> sort_buffer_size      = 512K
> net_buffer_length     = 8K
> read_buffer_size      = 256K
> read_rnd_buffer_size  = 512K
> [client]
> socket                = [% socket %]
> I re-booted the NAS after modifying
> I'm getting the MySQL refusal error that I posted in my last message
> when I press the test button.

That certainly looks good. If you have used the IP number as listed
above in the remote server option screen everything is ok as it is. So,
I can only imagine that there is something on the network level is
blocking the traffic. Do you possibly have a firewall configured? Either
on the PC or on the NAS?


Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' ( for
SqueezeCenter '_' ( SlimServer.
2xSB3, 1xDuet, 1xRadio, 1xiPhone iPeng, Ubuntu NAS + SC, Denon
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