iPhone;511001 Wrote: 
> WHY would it cost to much?
Video capability might not make the players more expensive, but the
price for it would be even less development resources for the core
components audio, SBS, and MySB. I'd rather have the known bugs fixed
before they start implementing yet another feature.

iPhone;511001 Wrote: 
> And are you telling us that you use "every" available feature on your
> current Squeezeboxes? I understand you use the main one, Audio. Would
> you not use Video if it were available?
I know that I must be a rare species, but I don't watch video at all.
My music library has nearly 20,000 tracks (and still counting while I am
ripping my CDs), but I don't own a single movie on DVD.

For your amusement: I only noticed that all analog TV transmitters had
been turned off when I read it in the newspaper. I was like "really?",
turned on my TV set, saw that I saw nothing, and turned it off again.
That was in 2005 if I recall right, and I haven't bothered to get a
digital receiver up to now.

So yes, for me video would be nothing more than a useless gimmick.

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