MrSinatra;591872 Wrote: 
> so you've never been the victim of a crime?  lucky you.  i suggest you
> check out american crime stats, and then consider your chances of never
> suffering a crime over a lifetime.
> i keep making this point, but it seems to have gotten lost.  this isn't
> just a "safety" app.  its civic awareness.  report a lost or found pet,
> a pothole, etc...  and it goes beyond that.  the idea of it is to
> disseminate pertinent info in real time to a local region.
> btw, if i were your insurance company, i'd drop you.  whats your real
> name, ben rothelisburger?

Yes, I have indeed been a victim of crime.  Luckily not a home break
in.  But no app would have helped me.
I do get the whole "civil awareness" idea, sounds neat.  But, quite
honestly, I would never want to be bothered with it.  I would no sooner
be interested in being informed of someone getting their garbage can
stolen two blocks away than I care to be informed of a coming
thunderstorm plastered all over my TV.  If I have a picnic planned or a
motorcycle ride that day I'll do my own due diligence and check the
weather myself, rather than bother others who have no such weather
concerns.  For the same reasons I am not on Twitter nor FaceBook, it
all seems a bit silly to me.  After so many "alerts" on everyone's
connected devices they will simply be ignored.  When was the last time
you investigated why a car alarm was going off in a parking lot?

For *me* it just seems like information overload.  What I don't want to
be bothered with up front will eventually be ignored by many who
initially thought such information would be so wonderful, but now are
just annoyed by too much information for which they have no meaningful
input.  How about actually talking to the neighbors instead of
"app'ing" them to death.  :)

Obviously my insurance has exclusions for certain activities.  I drive
in excess of 30k business miles a year, my driving record is superb
(partly due to my not "app'ing" while I'm driving).  

You seem to be taking this very personally, that was never my
intention, nor were my original comments even directed at you or your
app.  A complete outsider to the US made a comment of the US's
"obsessive safety" concerns, I was merely agreeing with that comment
(which I have heard from numerous non-US residents).

Your civic awareness app sounds very cool, really.  It's just not for
me.  I haven't seen your missing cat, I didn't see the burglars, my car
is still in my driveway..........

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