A mix of logical extrapolations and wishes.

Boom2 : Basically a Radio with two speakers. Same screen as Radio if
they want to keep cost down, or maybe the Touch touch screen if they
want market differentiation (most likely not). Make sure audio quality
is there to differentiate from the Radio.

Classic2 : Basically a Radio without the speaker nor the battery but
with both RCA and digital output, in a small package. It still has the
buttons and the screen of the Radio so can be used and configured
standalone (no controller needed - addresses shortcomings of Receiver).
It maxes at 44.1/24 and has a normal quality DAC, to differentiate it
from the Touch. With the removal/addition, and because it uses the same
volume parts as the Radio, its price should be similar to the price of
the Radio, and consequently similar to the price of the Receiver. It
replaces both the Receiver and the Classic, and extend in the low end
of the market and compete with upcoming products in that space.

Touch2 : twice the CPU, twice the memory, twice the audio spec (192
MHz), twice the screen size, twice the USB connectors (for USB audio
out). TinySB with web-interface and plug-ins. Move further upmarket.

Controller2 : get an unbranded OEM phone from HTC, put Logitech custom
firmware on it. That would be probably the most efficient way to move
forward with the controller, as dedicated hardware will end up either
too expensive or underpowered, and also not as power efficient (volume
is key). The loss of the scroll wheel and buttons is the big challenge
UI wise, but the Touch shows they may be able to pull it.

Transporter2 : License SqueezePlay platform and protocol to one or two
established super-high-end audio vendor competing with Linn and Olive.
Brand name and funny marketing is the ticket at the high end, and
Logitech won't do it.

And of course, we should hope for something more revolutionary, but I'm
too realistic for that...


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