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Question: Dedicated controller necessary?
- Go on, just buy a Sonos then!
- Are the two extra clicks really that bad?
- The original Controller works well!
- Yes, such a controller would be the icing on the cake!

>Go on, just buy a Sonos then!
You could do that, but you would probably miss the flexibility
Squeezebox gives over Sonos.

>Are the two extra clicks really that bad?
In squeezecommander you can set the phone to keep the screen on=0
clicks (will cost some battery-time) or diable the lock-mechnanism = 1

>The original Controller works well!
You can do some things to improve the controller, e.g. disable the
powersaving features. And there's a setting somewhere to allow you to
scroll one letter at a time instead of one album/artist at a time.

>Yes, such a controller would be the icing on the cake!
Sure, if it came from Logitech, maybe it would generate a few extra
sales but probably not enough to justify the effort. For existing
customers I think aftersales of such a controller would be close to 0.
Based on the expected pricetag of such a device, compared to what
alternatives are out there.

All in all I think there are plenty of existing choices. Posting a
thread like this could perhaps inspire some of the 3rd party
app-developers to add the functionality you are missing. As I see it
there are two issues: Keep the users from exiting the app by mistake,
and allow the screen to shut off and be awakened by the accelerometer.
For an existing app, the extra development could be worth the effort.
(Third issue is ofcourse setup of the Receiver, but there are also 3rd
party solutions for that)

Take a look at what options there already are for iThings and Android,
and I'm sure you'll find something with a satisfactory FAF (Family
acceptance factor).


BR Mogens

2 Radios (1 battery), 2 Controllers, 2 Receivers, 1 Softsqueeze (at
work), SqueezeCommander on  Se X10 mini and HTC Desire. Served by an
old 800 mhz IBM T21 Thinkpad (Yes I know most phones have more
cpu-power these days, but it gets the job done).
Muele's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=21310
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=86926

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