pippin;626512 Wrote: 
> Oh, but to elaborate: ask the OP. For HIM, it was obviously a
> differentiator that the App came from Logitech.

As the OP (yes, I'm still here), it wasn't so much that the App came
from Logitech...it's that it has the look-and-feel of the :9000 server
control interface, which I'm use to and like.  I also like that it
allows me to switch between my wife's and my Pandora accounts, it
allows me to move to different positions within the current playing
track, and I find the up-and-down volume buttons really easy to use
(and necessary).  I haven't really had any performance problems,
although I've had some lock-ups.  But my ripped music collection
currently is miniscule compared to what it will be. 

I'm a new Android user (I've had an LG Optimus V for about a month,
which I haven't even activated as a phone, yet), so I'm still learning
and getting used to it (I've never had a smart phone before).

I've been hesitant about getting a native app for this mainly because
my LG is already tight on space (I've moved everything I can to the
card and it sounds like native apps preload the data and album
art--where is all this stored?).  I also like the principle of thin
clients, with the data and most of the work done on the server
(although I realize that principles don't always work so well in the
real world).  I'm also hesitant about buying without trying (will there
be performance and/or space issues?, will it allow me to move
back-and-forth within a track?, easily change volume?, etc.).  

That said, I find all this discussion really interesting and I am
getting used to native Android apps.  Sooner or later I'll probably be
doing more research on the native apps and most likely end up with one
or two.

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