Jaicee;626456 Wrote: 
> Yes I do agree but that there are apps that are native and do give good
> experiences but from Logitechs point of view there are two points of
> view. Firstly surely if you are going to release an app you should at
> least make sure its going to provide a good experience. Secondly there
> is also that psychological thing (and its crazy I know after spending
> £100+ on a radio) that £3 on an app is annoying. 
> Finally I work in IT dealing with a lot of regular consumers. There is
> a significant proportion who would get a Squeezebox, see the advertised
> app download it and find it sluggish and simply assume all other apps
> are like that. If they were instead delighted with a nice responsive UI
> that made them want to use their SBs more then they are far more likely
> to buy more SB for other rooms.
> I don't want to even go into other reasons why having a good free app
> will drive more sales but I can certainly think of a few.
> Anyway I'm just coming at this from the point of view of someone who
> has just bought a SB and has only moved to Android phone from Symbian
> in the last 4 months, previously things like apps to control the device
> wouldn't of factored into the decision.

OK, let me be more explicit:

You are talking about Logitech, the company who doesn't even fund
enough development staff for the product line to even make sure that
your product will also work on Christmas, Easter and other public
holidays (watch out what will happen to MySB this weekend).

Now take the fact that you want controller Apps for Android, iOS and
probably also some other platforms out of that very same staff.
Where does that put you?

THIS is what Michael was talking about.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at penguinlovesmusic.com
pippin's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=86487

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