There are several systems available like this one
Note this is not the only one, and I do not work for the company or
anything related. It's a neat clean design (IMO) and suffices for
browsing and the task you have in mind. (I'd still rather build my own

> - Run quietly when it's 'sleeping'(so towers are out of the

Pretty much any computer will be fairly silent when in low-power sleep
mode. But quite a few computers these days can be quiet even under load
- they just have to be designed smartly. I have a very quiet office and
silence is a big thing for me.

> I'll be using if for storing music, surfing the net, some basic work
> (using MS office) and a little bit of gaming (generally 4-5 year old

Like someone else said, any sort of gaming prolly means you want to
look for ION graphics at least.

I'd like to have the server on this machine and having the server on
the USB drive has failed utterly for me.

> What is 'Wake On LAN' and how would it work in practise? Does it mean
> can shut down my computer but the SB would wake it up..?

Computers have several low power modes these days. If it's really shut
down, nothing other than pushing the "power on" switch will make the
computer run.

However, "sleep" mode is something you can enable. Sleep mode is a low
power mode that preserves the computer's current status (running
programs etc) and thus you don't have to go through boot-up when waking
it up. The computer will only draw a few watts in sleep mode.

In sleep mode, the computer will be passively waiting for something to
"wake it up" and feed power to all motherboard components again and
quickly resume operation. It typically would be a keystroke or mouse
click, but you can also enable a function called WOL. It means the
computer is waiting for a specific wake-up request from the network. If
it's a server, that means that clients can "wake it up" when they have a
request for the server. The Squeeze clients support this and will send
WOL requests to your sleeping SBS.

One thing to keep in mind is that WOL can be a bit finicky to really
get to work in Windows given the vast array pf possible hardware. So I
would not 100% count on it to work.


Server: MiniITX build w/Intel D510MO - Ubuntu 10.04LTS - SBS 7.5.3
Sources: SB3 (3), SB Boom (3), Duet (1), Radio (1), Accuphase DP65v CD
(used as DAC mostly)
Amplifiers: Accuphase E306v - Creek OBH21/22
Loudspeakers: Ceeroy 3-way tower (tuned) - Audioengine 5/S8 - Acoustic
Energy Aego M
Headphones: Grado SR-1
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