Hi all;

I'm running squeezebox server 7.3.3 on a Buffalo Linkstation NAS

Until recently, I've been using a squeezebox boom and also a Roku M1001
accessing the NAS wirelessly via Squeezebox server,

Apart from odd drop outs, it's all held together well.

I've just bought a SB Touch which I can run either wired or

Despite the Boom and Roku happily planing, I had some initial issues
with the Touch as it was saying I had to update the Server software
however it then sprung into life (unf. I can't remember what I did).

2 days later, it's again saying the Server S/W needs an update (Boom
continues to play however).

Given that the Server is running from the NAS, I'd prefer to leave that
alone and get the Touch working wherever possible....

My main questions are:

1. With regard to reliability etc am I better using the Touch as a
server for the Boom/Roku (i.e. buy a USB HDD) or stick with the NAS
approach running the server?
2. Any ideas what needs doing to get the Touch working - for 36 hours
it was fine and I've not aware I've changed any settings and assume I'm
likely to be 'operator error'.
3. The speakers in my main hifi set up seem to have a static build up
when the Roku or Touch are connected. The Roku used a phono out to RCA,
the touch uses 2 x RCAs but the problem (whilst not quite as bad now)
persists. Does anyone else have/had this problem?

I love the funtionality of the Squeezebox approach however I'm
currently music-less in my lounge and would appreaciate any

Cheers all!

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