kmr;644621 Wrote: 
> with respect to Apple, it appears that Steve Jobs is still very much
> running the company, and that his health, though taking a lot of his
> time, is not necessarily precarious.  So the Apple-watchers are
> expecting that Jobs will continue as the head of Apple for quite a
> while longer.
> With the exception of an astoundingly speculative article a couple of
> weeks ago in the WSJ that seems to have been published to manipulate
> Apple's stock price, there isn't really any doubt among the analysts
> about who the next CEO of Apple will be, though - it will be current
> COO Tim Cook, who is extremely respected inside and outside of Apple.
Yes I know, I was just trying to say that unless Steve Jobs (which I
respect) or Steve Ballmer (which I don't respect) becomes CEO of
Logitech, the CEO of Logitech really have doesn't have much impact if
I'll purchase Logitech devices or not. I certainly didn't get a
Squeezebox because of the current or previous Logitech CEO.

The CEO might of course have impact on how much resources they spend on
music streaming products, but in the end we are all going to be better
of if someone who believes, understands and make good economical
results on the products, independent if that's Logitech or someone
else. If Logitech would downsize music streaming products even more it
would just create an opening for some other company to fill the space.
So as I said previously, independent of which decisions the new CEO
makes regarding music streaming products, most of them are going to be
positive in one way or another.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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