erland;644608 Wrote: 
> Harmony One -> Hard buttons combined with small touch screen
> Revue -> Touch screen and barely any hard buttons
> That makes them a gigantic difference to me. 
> If one planned to get the Harmony 1000, it would maybe be smart to wait
> for the lower priced Revue. If you planned to get the Harmony 900
> because you need RF, the situation is also a bit different because
> currently the 900 feels pretty expensive and even more so if you can
> get a Revue with Wifi remote for $99
> Maybe the Revue price drop could affect Harmony prices, but I don't
> think so. When you read why they are dropping the Revue price you
> realize it's because it's a new market and they want to establish the
> product, this isn't they case for the Harmony remotes, they are already
> in an established market and they have both fairly cheap and more
> expensive models.

Well, the Revue also has two hard button remote options: The Mini
Controller $129 and the Keyboard $99. 

They "should" lower the price of these accessories given that the Revue
has the same price or lower price than its accessories. I'm always
reluctant to get the first generation of any gadget because subsequent
generations usually have more functionality, have the bugs worked out
and are less expensive. That's the reason I did not jump at the Revue
in the first place. I considered it as a possible IR Universal Remote,
but at $249 it was out of the question. I'd still wait to see how the
Gingerbread update enhances the Revue/Google TV experience. I'm also
curious to find out if  LMS will play a role as a media server for the

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