Some months have ellapsed since Orange Squeeze was released, and today,
thinking about it, I've seen how it has changed the way I listen music
while I'm in front of my computer since then.
I don't use any program in the computer nowdays, I just plug my mobile
on the dock, start Orange Squeeze (and  SqueezePlayer automatically)...
Thanks for the program Ben, and to SqueezePlayer developer too of

Anyway, I have a few proposals, mainly UI-related:

* In "now playing" view:
- show album year after album name. Something like "This is the album
name (year)"
- pressing in track title should open a new window showing track info.

I'm specially interested in an option to show/change rating
(Erland's TrackStat plugin) fast and easily, and to see other track info
(playcount, lastplayed...)
- show tracknumber with track title

* In "albums" view:
- show year with album name: "year - album", "album (year)"...
- I don't find a way to sort albums by year. Message #90 of this
thread mentions a method but I can't find that option under menu button

I've already read similar ideas in this thread, just consider a new vote
on them in the features poll ;-)


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