garym wrote: 
> my 4TB is a single drive.  I think a lot of folks like running the VB on
> small SSD and the data on spinning drives.
> There's info on how to do this here:
> and all sorts of info here:

Ah, yes, pretty straightforward if you are a bit Linux savvy :) Thanks.

Just a last general question: I noticed that there are a few companies
selling pre-assembled VortexBoxes. Some come even either with this SOtM
USB PCIe card  or a soundcard like the Juli@ (newer version of my Maya).
Does VortexBox support these ootb? The Maya does 24/192 output but I
remember from the last time I used it under Debian it's not that easy to
get it to work: It's only supported by ALSA and SPDIF output never
works. The latter is no problem, since if I use the card, I would use
the analogue out anyways.

Today I also read for the first time about the SOtM USB PCIe card in one
of Archimago's blog posts. It's an interesting piece of hardware--but is
it really worth the money (350) compared to similar boards from other
chinese manufacturers for about 50?

Current setup:
- EEEBox, Xubuntu 14.04, LMS 7.9, FLAC
- *Duet* > Pro-Ject DAC Box E > AKG Hearo 888 Titan (home office),
  *Boom + Canton ASF 75 SC* (master bedroom), *Boom* (master bathroom),
  2 *Radios* (guest bathroom and garden deck), *RPi3 + LibreELEC +
  XSqueeze* > Samsung TV > NAD L53 > Mission 2.1 speakers (living room)
- *Transporter* > vintage Wega Modul 42V amp (42E equalizer, 42T tape
  deck + Thorens TD 160 Mk II turntable) > Quadral Vulkan Mk II (music
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