garym wrote: 
> a. Yes. still valid.
> b. 2.4 (assuming your machine is 64bit)
> c. only need dvd drive if you want to rip DVDs. otherwise, CD drive is
> fine.

I  roughly assembled the machine to test VortexBox 2.4. Runs smoothly,
did also some test rips. Looks good, muich easier for casual ripping (my
CD library is completely ripped already, so I would only do a CD from
time to time).

I also noticed that 2.4 comes already with LMS 7.9. Which is nice--but I
haven't got any update messages yet. I assume, it updated to the latest
nightly when I first updated VortexBox after the initial install. Or do
I have to manually install the latest nightly?

Current setup:
- EEEBox, Xubuntu 14.04, LMS 7.9, FLAC
- *Duet* > Pro-Ject DAC Box E > AKG Hearo 888 Titan (home office),
  *Boom + Canton ASF 75 SC* (master bedroom), *Boom* (master bathroom),
  2 *Radios* (guest bathroom and garden deck), *RPi3 + LibreELEC +
  XSqueeze* > Samsung TV > NAD L53 > Mission 2.1 speakers (living room)
- *Transporter* > vintage Wega Modul 42V amp (42E equalizer, 42T tape
  deck + Thorens TD 160 Mk II turntable) > Quadral Vulkan Mk II (music
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