Thanks for the research.  Long story, short.. my interest is due to a
low powered wintel system grinding to a stop when doing a full rescan
due to Trackstat.  So I was looking at the db and noticed the old
version and hence the interest.  Is there anyway of
decompressing/patching a wintel system to play around with this further?

You can run LMS from the source if you're willing to install Activestate Perl 5.14 (which I could provide you a copy if needed).

I guess you've already upped the memory parameter for the database? It can make a huge difference (depending on library size, storage type etc.).

How large is your library?
What is the bottleneck? Memory? CPU? Disk I/O? If you run out of memory, then any other optimization might be irrelevant.
Do you know what kind of query it is that plugin is chewing so badly on?


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