mherger wrote: 
> > I've been running LMS with 'updated modules / libraries '
> >
> (
> > (DBD::SQLite 1.54 (sqlite 3.13.0)) since 03/2017 on a RPi3 without
> any
> > issues.
> Great! Any improvements you've experienced?
Unfortunately, this was a new setup on new hardware, so I don't have
anything to compare it to.

> That's an odd one. In my previous tests this was constant. Every test I
> did was a massive slow down in FTS. But I always did delete the 
> library.db to start from scratch for every test. Now I repeated the test
> for the same collection, without deleting that file, and performance was
> as before (plus speed up in other aspects). As if re-using a file was 
> much faster than growing it from zero.
> I'm now running my own system at home on an oldish Intel Atom CPU with 
> the latest DBD::SQLite. In this "real life" scenario with about 20k 
> tracks, several plugins which use the database in some aspect 
> extensively (Music And Artist!), it's about 20% faster over all, with 
> FTS being pretty much the same as before.

I've just updated my LMS to use the latest DBD::sqlite (1.58) and could
run some benchmarks, then downgrade to 1.34 and re-run them.
The question is how to benchmark (re-scanning the library is simple, but
not really representative of normal use) - how did you measure the 20%
performance gain?

Currently, I'm using this script to simulate regular use:

  # adjust genre_id, playlist_id, search term and URL
  BCMDS='{"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["-", ["playlists", 0, 999]]}
        {"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["-", ["titles", 0, 
        {"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["-", ["albums", 0, 
        {"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["-", ["artists", 0, 
        {"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["-", ["search", 0, 
        {"id":1,"method":"slim.request","params":["-", ["playlists", "tracks", 
0, 999,"playlist_id:475485", "tags:acCdefgGiJklnpPDqrROstTuwy"]]}'
  TS=$(date +%s.%N)
  VERBOSE=1 # 0 to get CSV values
  while IFS= read -r line ; do 
        [ $VERBOSE -ne 0 ] && echo "running query $LCNT"
        RES=$(curl -Ss -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "${line}" 
-o - "http://raspi3-64:9000/jsonrpc.js";)
        [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "curl error:$? " && break
        echo "$RES"|grep -q '"result":{"count":0}' && echo "No results for 
  done <<< "$BCMDS"
  TE=$(date +%s.%N)
  RT=$(bc <<< "$TE-$TS")
  if [ $VERBOSE -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "runtime: $RT"
        echo "$(date +'%H:%M:%S');$RT"

Running this in a loop

     while true; do ./; done 

puts 100% load on the server and should be fully DB-bound.

SW: 'Web UI for LMS'
| 'Playlist Editor / Generator'
| 'Music Classification'
| 'Similar Music'
| 'LMSlib2go' (
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus'
| 'Bluetooth/ALSA'
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