My library is 30k tracks (on a NAS) and the bottleneck is I/O for sure,
the SATA died and wiped out the disks, so I rebuilt it with Win7 booting
from a USB drive.

You're running LMS from a different computer than where the files are saved? This kind of I/O might be the bottleneck during the scan. But I could imagine that when TrackStat is doing its job, it's LMS server side only, no access to the files. I might be wrong. But please double check, because your machine seems more than powerful enough to process 30k tracks. Check the resource monitor while TrackStat is running. Monitor disk, network, cpu and memory usage.

It has 8x (i7) CPU cores and 16Gb RAM so is strong

Did you check LMS' memory settings for the database?


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