> I agree. I, too keep my music info in a database. That database is
> conveniently and automatically built and maintained for me by
> Slimserver based on my tags.
That characterization is as self-serving as it is inaccurate.  Slim
collects limited information from file tags and allows -zero- central
management of your data.  And it allows for a bare minimum of
information at that (quick, tell me how many tracks you have released
between 1984 and 1986 on Grammy Award winning albums?  How many covers
of Bob Dylan songs do you have? Live tracks from 1972? Jazz Christmas
albums?).  It's not much of a -database-, it's really just a data store
for an audio streaming program.

> Seriously, though, if you absolutely must have your access DB how about
> trying to go the other direction--grab the data from the SQLite (or
> MySQL) db that slimserver builds and build an access db from it.
Because my Access DB is built and maintained by CD/music cataloging
software that's light years ahead of Slim's db in terms of real data
management.  That's not a knock on Slim, it's simply a statement of
fact -- SlimServer is not a music database program, it's an audio
streaming program.

Seriously, though, instead of telling me why I'm wrong to not want to
use Slim as my data management program, why not admit that users should
be allowed to populate the Slim DB without fear of SlimServer mucking
with the data?

Didn't see your edit

- Jeff

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