On 16-Aug-06, at 12:16 AM, MrSinatra wrote:

dumb question[s]:

where do you find the logs?

c:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe --logfile c:\mylog.txt

or a  view of the "live log" at http://<serverIP>:9000/log.txt

Linux RPM:


  are they always being made?

osx and linux, yes. windows, no. The live log is a section of log kept in memory, or you can create a file as above. Whatever debug switches you add on the command line, or enable from server settings will determine the type of content.

 do you have
to enable debug stuff?

  are there multiple logs?

  do they autodelete
after a time?

no, but they aren't being built up unless you set it up that way.

if you need more detail, myself and others have posted this kind of stuff a dozen times, and it's in manuals, the wiki and the faq.

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