konut;148335 Wrote: 
> I look forward to the day, in 5 years, when I'll have a SB6 in my shirt
> pocket. A flash based 2 terabyte device that uses QUAC( quantum
> universal audio codec) files, controlled by a Harmony fob, in my pants
> pocket, and viewable on the Logitech MONacle( media optical nexus),
> available in prescription at extra cost,  and streams HD audio, and
> video if you choose, to any wifi enabled audio, or HT, system within
> 50ft. ;)))!

And here we are at the root of it - the source of all the angst.  When
that product comes to market for the first time, it will not be from
Logitech/SD! It will be the fruit of a small company with resident
geniuses, and very likely a dedicated community such as this one that
we know and love.  
There will be short-term benefits with this deal - a slim device that
will be recognizable as a SB (to those who remember) will penetrate the
mass market, and before you know it, every household will have one (of
one brand or another), and it will be attached to the 'entertainment
center', whatever that's going to look like.  But it will be
mass-market: it will not be 'audiophile', it will be 'dumbed-down',
think home-theatre-in-a-box (hmm, why not include an SB4 in a HTIAB?
Adds Internet functionality and home-network media streaming....DVDs
are so old-school, but I digress).
Anyway, the corporate beast simply will not have the flexibility or the
focus (serving the masses takes a lot of resources) to remain on the
cutting edge of product development. It's a pretty reliable cycle -
small companies do cutting edge, get bought out when they're ready for
mass-market, and someone else with a vision picks up some of the pieces
and comes up with something nobody had done quite right yet. And what do
you want to bet that many of the folks on this forum will meet again at
some other forum for a SD-like company??  See you there!


Wireless SB3, Denon DRA-F101, Mission M31 loudspeakers
WinXP SP2 Slimserver, SMC WBR14g router
nicketynick's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1511
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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