nicoff;162861 Wrote: 
> First post here so if I am asking for something that has been covered at
> length elsewhere please excuse.
> I have what many would consider a high-end audio system. I bought a SB
> recently and love the idea transferring my entire CD collection to the
> computer. I am using EAC to get FLAC files and streaming them to my SB.
> I am transferring the digital data from the SB to a digital preamp
> (Lexicon MC-1) which does the digital/analog conversion.
> My first impression is that I sort of prefer the sound of my standalone
> CD player (by a tiny margin)than when using the SB. (BTW, my CD player
> is a Sonic Frontier CD-1, a tube player (yes, vacuum tube) that only
> has analog outputs; no digital). So no D/A conversion is needed by the
> Lexicon digital preamp when using the CD player. 
> I am going to assume that if I am streaming digital data to a digital
> preamp the SB and the Transporter should sound the same. Am I correct?
> Using analog output, would I be able to hear a noticeable difference in
> sound (for the better of course) if I were to use the Transporter and
> its analog output versus the SB?
> Thanks to all who reply!

IMO you sould try the Transporter using it's own DAC eg. TP analog

I have a Sonic Frontiers CDT and their SFD2 Mark2 with recent mods.

The TP is better than that by a WIDE margin. IMO

I prefer the TP to the SB>Lavry as well although that is a MUCH closer
call than the Sonic Frontiers.

The TP has a 30 day trial period so I think it's a no-brainer to try

I may never play a CD again...............I buy it , burn it, listen to
it :-)

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