On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 5:33 PM, snoogly <

> I contacted them earlier this year with an issue, and they had only one
> answer: deletes all traces of the software and do a clean install. As
> this would mean losing all the various settings I have done to the
> server, and plugins, I really didn't want to do it. So I ignored them,
> and managed to find an answer elsewhere. Once someone told me what to
> look for in the log files, I tracked down a troublesome file in a music
> folder, deleted it, and everything worked fine again.

First of all, your subject is just a bit melodramatic.  To have grave doubts
about something like this is taking things a bit too seriously.

Second, you have to realize what perspective the support people are coming
from.  Most people haven't invested a great deal of time in their player
settings and are most interested in getting their music playing ASAP.
Digging around in log files is the LAST thing most people calling support
want to do.  They want it fixed, and they want it fixed an hour ago.  For
most people, doing a clean install is the FASTEST way to resolve a problem
and get their music playing again.  For those that have other priorities
there are certainly other options available to them and you have done well
for yourself -- congratulations.

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