
thank you for taking the time to do this and taking my "problem"
seriously.  i appreciate it.

i will answer your questions to the best of my ability.

erland;299574 Wrote: 
> MrSinatra, I tried the files you've attached to bug 8001.
> I'm using the latest svn/nightly release of 7.1 to verify this to make
> sure everything already changed in the code is part of the test.
> With your files, I can confirm that I get the following sorting order
> in the Albums menu when sorting by "Artist,Year,Album":
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 1 by
> Billy Joel  
> - Love Affair by Sophie Zelmani  
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 3 by
> Various Artists
> If I now in "SqueezeCenter Settings/Behaviour" change from "List albums
> by all artists for that album" to "List albums by band" I instead get:
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 1 by
> Billy Joel  
> - Love Affair by Sophie Zelmani  
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 3 by
> Billy Joel
> As you can see, the sorting is still incorrect, but it now displays
> Billy Joel instead of Various Artists on the Disc 3 album.

so far, this is exactly my situation.

erland;299574 Wrote: 
> Now, I added a COMPILATION=0 tag to the Disc 3 files, an then I instead
> get:
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 1 by
> Billy Joel  
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 3 by
> Billy Joel
> - Love Affair by Sophie Zelmani  
> Now, I can even change the option in "SqueezeCenter Settings/Behaviour"
> back to "List albums by all artists for that album" and get the result:
> I edited the tags with the Mp3Tag program and selected to write MP3v2.3
> tags.
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 1 by
> Billy Joel  
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 3 by
> Billy Joel, Ray Charles  
> - Love Affair by Sophie Zelmani  
> As you can see the sorting is still correct but it now displays each
> individual artist for the Disc 3 album.

i assumed the above would be the case, but i don't use comp tags.  not
to belabor the point, i know i could.  but i want to see a SC7 i can
get anyone to use, and have it work expectedly.

erland;299574 Wrote: 
> If "List albums by all artists for that album" is selected and the
> "Separator for Multiple Items in Tags" setting in "SqueezeCenter
> Settings/Behaviour" isn't set to "/" to match your artist separator
> character, album disc 3 will in the last step in the test procedure
> instead be displayed as:
> - The Complete Hits Collection 1973-1997: Limited Edition Disc 3 by
> Billy Joel/Ray Charles, Billy Joel
> The sorting is still the same though.

i am sure you are correct on this as well.

i just want to point out that in my 25k tracks or so, i have no
uniformity whatsoever in TPE1 'artist separator character.'

erland;299574 Wrote: 
> Finally, I verified the same thing in the latest 7.0.1 release and got
> the exact same behaviour as in the latest 7.1 release.
> Is the behaviour shown in the test above when a COMPILATION=0 tag
> exists how you would like it to work ?

if i understand the question correctly, yes, i think so.

obviously, i want to be able to do it without comp tags, but the
behavior is correct.

erland;299574 Wrote: 
> Is this the behaviour you get in your own library for all albums which
> SqueezeCenter has considered as non compilation(non VA) albums ?

yes, i am fairly sure it is.

would you like me to do some screenshots?  i can do so of each
permutation, but i might not be able to do it right away...

thanks again.

ps. phil meyer and i went around the block on this and came up with
several suggested fixes:

1. have the scanner scan TPE2 into ALBUMARTIST only.
2. (if that didn't work, but it probably would) have it scan TPE2 into
3. add an option to sort via the internal BAND field instead of teh

there's more, but you get the idea.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.0.1beta - Win XP
Pro SP2 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655
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