>> But it shouldn't be necessary to set COMPILATION=0 in most cases.  I
>> think that's because there are guest performers and no album artist has
>> been set.  So setting an album artist (or allowing an option for TPE2 to
>> be regarded as Album Artist), would fix that problem.
>It was required with MrSinatra's mp3 files which was attached with bug
But his files don't have album artists.  I was saying it shouldn't be required 
if there is an album artist or all songs are by the same artist.

>> What is the effect of setting COMPILATION=0 when there are different
>> artists on tracks?  I'm not sure what that would achieve - probably
>> just cause other "issues" for people.  I'm guessing it would cause
>> groups of songs to be split into several albums with the same name.
>It didn't split the albums with MrSinatras files, but I can't guarantee
>that this won't happen in other cases.
For such a case, the album is ambiguous.  There's multiple artists on an album, 
without a compilation tag or album artist tag.

SqueezeCenter library stores an artist id with each album record (ie. a single 
artist needs to be associated with the album), so I wonder what it has stored 
in this case?  I thought it may make several albums, such that it had a single 
artist associated with each album record.  It sounds like it has instead chosen 
an arbitrary artist and used that instead.

A possible issue in this state is that browsing by artist may not work as 
expected.  eg. if the scanner records the first artist on the first song for 
that album as the album artist, Browse Artists would probably show the album as 
being by that artist.

I don't think it's the right thing to do to try to avoid setting compilation 
tags; it introduces another possible state for an album that needs to be 
handled 's which is likely to affect other things that use the data in the 
music library database.

I right thing to do is to make the album unambiguous by doing one one:

1. Set all artists on all songs to be the same.
2. Set the album as a compilation.
3. Set an album artist.

Another thing to consider with any changes to the scanner is whether it will 
cause a performance penalty in the scanning process.  I think the suggestion to 
add an option to avoid guessing compilation tags would be okay in this regard, 
but any logic to determine complex rules (eg. something like "if more than 50% 
of songs are by one artist, make this artist the album artist and don't set the 
album as a compilation") would surely hurt scanning performance, which would 
annoy more people than it satisfy.

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