
look, there's nothing personal in the comments I made; i simply
expressed frustration, admittedly when i was tired and approaching a
deadline, but I did try to be specific about the problems I was
my experience is that pleasant suggestions are less likely to be taken
notice of.

I certainly don't see the point in "asking" whether changes coul be
made, I just state specifically what is crap about it, and its up to
someone else whether they can be arsed to act upon it. I have no
vested interest in the success of the software and/or the company that
makes it, I as a consumer will choose whatever works, the manufacturer
is in fact privileged to receive any feedback from anyone at all, so i
think the phraseology of the point is inappropriate.

I think it is legitimate to belittle the software because in view of
the quantity of (occasionally irrelevent) features, the lack of
user-friendliness in it's basic function as a word processor is really
unimpressive, and deserves to be slammed.

end of rant.

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 10:06:01 +0000, CPHennessy
> On Tuesday 22 March 2005 02:20, Jack & Naree wrote:
> >  [ MODERATED ] ***********************
> > I hate the automatic formatting in Openoffice, it's so annoying, MS
> > Word is such a refreshing respite from the restrictiveness of OO.
> > It's a prime example of a software made un-userfriendly by loading it
> > with too many functions and features. Should just have a basic
> > wordprocessor with all the bells and whistles in categories with their
> > own menus and toolboxes. Most people don't use them anyway, only anal
> > office staff with time on their hands!
> >
> > problems I'm currently having in simple word processing:
> > - inability to do wordcount on selected text (a basic, basic requirement!)
> > - when you copy and paste the autoformatting means you can't even
> > delete to rearrange the text to where you want it!
> > - ...plus it pastes it with all the rubbish from the website or source
> > you pasted it from instead of just the raw text.
> > - ...plus you get it in a range of gay colours, and just changing it
> > back to black is a fiddly process.
> > - paragraphs and indentations are a waste of time, there's no rhyme or
> > reason, they just appear when and where you don't want them, and you
> > have to fiddle, fiddle, fiddle to get them anywhere near, total
> > dissatisfaction
> > - I hate "Times New Roman"! I want to set my own default text!
> > - speaking of text, I can't paste in funny alphbets like Japanese and
> > Thai, this is the 21st century for feck's sake!
> > - takes an age to load compared to MSword
> >
> > in short, it's just crap. it needs redesigning from a user POV rather
> > than a coder's POV.
> Hi Jack,
> Thanks for the comments. However you may find it more productive to
> actually ask whether it is possible to change any of these features instead
> of whinning and flinging insults.
> For example you can change the autocompletion by using Tools ->
> Autocomplete/Autoformat -> Options.
> Almost al of your other points are also possible to change.
> Please reply to users@openoffice.org only
> --
> CPH : openoffice.org contributor
> Maybe your question has been answered already?
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