On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 14:19:28 PM +0200, Joerg Barfurth

> BTW: The Linux world is a particularly difficult target for this
> topic. It is all nice and well to say every installable piece of
> software must be packaged. But when you choose some form of package
> someone feels left out.

Nobody (not me anyway) asked to use _one_ form of package. What is
important is make sure that everything is always made available online
in "source" form, that the distributors can pick and package their way
for automatic installation and upgrade. *Without* extra work like
dissecting a self-installing .sxw file to get the macro it wants to
install by itself.

Me, I don't care if that method lives or dies, as long as it's easy
for any Gnu/Linux distribution to _also_ test and offer native

Now, since this discussion is, at least partly, made on indirect
reports of what Linux packagers love or hate, what if the interested
OO.o developers talk *directly* with them? If it helps, I can try to
mediate/organize it in the form of an email interview to be published
somewhere online, but what matters is that it happens. What do you


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

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