El Sat 23 Jul 2005 16:23, M. Fioretti escribió:
> On Sat, Jul 23, 2005 14:46:05 PM -0500, Steve Kopischke
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Ian - You may be missing the point. The original poster is
> > asking that traffic on the list be shortened and copies to
> > unsubscribed posters be eliminated.
> Are we talking of the same thing? Yes, I don't see the point
> of writing every time to unsubscribed users, but that is a
> personal opinion of mine. What I *am* asking is that if you
> want to *resend* a list message to unsubscribed users, you do
> *NOT* put the list again in CC.
> >I have found one very effective way to deal with the message
> > list traffic I don't want to read - I delete it
> Just like Chad, you didn't understand my request, did you?
> This is about opening something just to find out it's the same
> message as before.
> Ciao,
>       Marco

I agree with Marco and with Steve.  

If you wish to help someone by resending a message that they 
might not have seen by not being subscribed, then, by all means,  
send it to them directly.  I don't need to see it again.  

If 5 people send it to them, they might get the idea that it's 
best to subscribe to the list so they don't receive 5 copies of 
the same help every time they ask a question.  If 10 people send 
them the same message they will really understand.  

Most of these people are new to the net and lists.  I remember a 
time when I was amazed that someone I didn't know had sent me 
the answer to a question I'd asked.  Also remember the first 
time I signed up to a high volume list with no idea how to stop 
it or get off.  (That was when I had to pay dearly for 
connection time.) 


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