On Friday 05 October 2007 20:58, Dave Barton wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Chris Monahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri 05 Oct 2007 18:16:51 EST
> > On 05/10/2007, Dave Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> - -------- Original Message --------
> >> From: Sean Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Date: Fri 05 Oct 2007 07:03:26 EST
> >>
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> I'm working on a business plan with multiple sections and it
> >>> would be more logically organized if I could add multiple
> >>> sheets to the same document, instead of just adding pages in
> >>> a linear format. e.g. It would be a boon to have a tab
> >>> "sheet" for my appendixes instead of trying to put it at the
> >>> back of the document or opening yet another window for
> >>> Writer.
> >>>
> >>> I love this software. Thank you so much!
> >>
> >> Submitting a proposal to this general discussion mailing list
> >> is not going to get it considered by the developers. The
> >> correct place to submit a RFE (Request For Enhancement) is to
> >> the issue tracker. Details can be found at:
> >> http://qa.openoffice.org/ooQAReloaded/Docs/QA-Reloaded-HowToSt
> >>art.html
> >>
> >> As it happens there has been a long outstanding (2003) issue
> >> for this feature. If you would like to add your vote, register
> >> for the qa project and go to
> >> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=12686
> >> Considering the number of years this issue has been
> >> outstanding and the limited number of votes (48) it has been
> >> awarded, it seems unlikely that the developers will be working
> >> on this in the foreseeable future.
> >>
> >> Please reply to discuss@openoffice.org only
> >
> > I don't really think that a tabbed interface is what the OP is
> > referring too. It appears he is reffering to the ability to
> > have several streams of pages (sheets) in one documents, a
> > master document is analagous, but i've never found the master
> > document implementation entirely satisfactory.
> No, I think the clue is in the Sean's statement: "It would be a
> boon to have a tab "sheet" for my appendixes instead of trying to
> put it at the back of the document or opening yet another window
> for Writer."
> Maybe Sean would be kind enough to post back to the list and give
> us a little more clarification.
> Regardless of what the OP actually intended, why didn't you reply
> to the (non-subscribed) OP, instead of sitting on the sidelines
> criticizing others who were trying to contribute something?
> Dave
> Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] only

Actually Sean is talking about something entirely different than and 
separate from the whole tabbed interface/MDI thing.  I agree with 
him and have thought about this quite a lot for over a year.  It is 
a function that is lacking in most document producing applications.

This is the way I believe it should be implemented and the whys 

Producing a document at a desk with a pen and paper is not a linear 
activity, however doing the same thing on a computer forces you to 
become linear.  

What I think Sean is talking about is analogous to a note pad and a 
deskpad that you can scribble on while you are producing a 
document.  Programmers tend to be linear thinkers, it comes with 
the territory.  However a script writer for instance  has a myriad 
of things to think about while writing a screenplay.  Lighting 
notes, costume stuff, continuity notes, properties, direction 
detail, characterisation, character histories.  Some of this will 
make it into the main document.  Some will become a separate bunch 
of notes, some will become appendices.  None of it lends itself to 
a linear document production.

So a document interface could have a group of tab-like labels down 
the side of the page.  Analogous to those little page markers that 
I and I dare say many others use to mark pages or passages in a 
book for use during a lecture.  

The function would be able to be toggled on and off like Stylist and 
have  probably two default labels.  Say "Notes" and "Bibliography" 
with the ability to add more as required.

Part of the functionality would enable the user to define where if 
anywhere these pages would be placed within a printed document.  
Linking to notes from the main document should also be there.

The only name I could think of for this functionality is Deskpad

I've cc'd this to the User Experience list 
([EMAIL PROTECTED])  (forgive the cross post) because this 
is right up their alley.  If people think is a reasonable 
suggestion I'll do an RFE. 

I couldn't find anything like this anywhere in issue tracker... That 
doesn't mean to say it's not there.

But it would be a brilliant piece of functionality.  It would 
certainly save me having to have notebooks all over my desk and my 
deskpads would survive longer.  :)


ISO 26300 compliant

Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
Moderator New Zealand
(International Grades in Office Technologies)


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