*Robert Derman* typed up the following on 17-Nov-07 07:51 (GMT +11):

Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
Dmitry Feofanov wrote:
Folks, I understand you are working on 2.4. Great program, with one glaring
flaw, IMHO:  envelope printing feature.  Several of my friends (myself
including) were unable to get the envelope printing to work--consequently, we
went back to evil Word.  But we could print our envelopes there!

There are several elements that could be improved in OpenOffice.org, but
envelope printing is not top of the list. It's child's play to create one or
more envelope templates and to subsequently use them to create envelopes.
Would it really be so hard to embed several envelope templates in OOo in order to make it easier for users to do envelope addresses. I think it is unreasonable to expect users, especially those who only use a word processor on rare occasions to jump through so many hoops to do a basic thing like printing envelopes. On a similar note, much of the blame for it being difficult to address envelopes must be shared by the printer manufacturers, their hardware and firmware designs really don't help much. It has long been my practice to just print a second copy of every letter and cut out the address and tape it to the envelope. As far as I am concerned M$ word is really no better in this area than OOo writer.

But there *are* multiple envelope templates in OO.o, for a range of different size envelopes. You can even modify the position of all the elements and resave as your own personal templates.

You can either save the envelope with the document you've typed up in Writer, or you can create a separate document just for the envelope.

At it's most simplest, open Writer, select Insert > Envelope. On the Format tab, select the size envelope you want to use, and on the Envelope tab, enter in your sender/addressee details, and click on New Doc. Print as required.

Granted, it may be nice it OO.o came with envelope templates you can select from the Template wizard, but then I've created half a dozen templates using the above process, and saved them in my Templates folder, for quick access. Took about 15 minutes.

Klaas Visser

Using OpenOffice.org 2.3
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