HI All,

First let me preface this by saying I think OO.o is an outstanding 
accomplishment and a fantastic job well done for the most part.  In 
addition, having once managed R&D software and hardware offices I am 
reasonably aware of the very large problems of developing applications. 
There; hope that's enough sucking up to get you to read this<g>:

I am at a make or break point with my attempt to use OOo 2.3.1 for my 
purposes.  Either I figure out some work-arounds or I'll have to 
relegate OOo back to a "future" date for serious use.  After searching 
many old posts and asking a few questions here and on one of the other 
groups, I feel I have a reasonable head-around for using OOo.  However, 
I am unable to get around some problems that prevent me from continuing 
to use it.

Example:  I have one file (.doc from Word) that I've imported, pasted, 
and otherwise played with to get it into OOo in a manageable form.  It's 
about 33Meg in size, 60 pages, and contains 101 embedded (not linked) 
JPEG color images ranging in size from 1/16 page to 1/4 page , sized 
prior to insertion into the document.  There are only 4 Word styles, no 
sections, in this particular document.
   I create the .odt, close the document, Reboot just for grins, and 
then open the .odt again.
   Nothing I try has succeeded in an import/paste/paste special, paste 
without last para mark,  etc., of the .doc into an OOo .odt file in any 
usable manner.

The largest problem is image positioning.  Images beyond the first about 
8 pages are nearly all misaligned, misplaced, and their anchors have 
moved to incorrect pargraphs.  If the images were in a table, they are 
now outside the table and cannot be moved back into the table without 
deleting and re-creating it.  Images will overlap each other and even 
overlap text, but the text either shows on top of the image, or the 
image isn't opaque, I'm not sure which.  Touching the image wiht the 
mouse corrects that and text moves away from the image as expected, but 
the image may still be as much as an entire page removed from its 
correct, anchored position.
   As you can imagien, correcting this image positioning is a real 
problem since they don't misalign in any orderly or sequential manner, 
and the tables that held the images have just been completely abandoned.

There are also other spacing problems, but they could be relegated to 
the annoyance category if it weren't for the image mistreatment.  Spaces 
between paragraphs are not consistant and several other things happen 
that means it would require a page by page treatment to correct because 
"replace" operations can not properly function on them.  For whatever 
reason, spacing problems all seem to relate to the vertical dimension; 
there are no horizontal issues except with images; I see no pattern to 
their movement.

*IS* there any specific way around these problems?  The images moving in 
particular?  If not, I think I'll have to relegate OOo to the shelf 
again and continue using Office for my work for the foreseeable future 
at least.
   As much as I want to support OOo, I won't be able to since I just 
plain won't have the time to gain the experience and background needed 
to become a useful volunteer who can contribute to it.

Thanks for reading and if this pisses anyone off, I'm sorry, because I 
don't mean it to do that.  I just have a decision to make and must do so 
soon as possible since I've gotten essentially no where with being able 
to make a full and reliable transition to OO.o.

Best Regards,


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