Hi Andre,

On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 22:33 +0200, André Schnabel wrote:
> No .. my current time line deals with another issue: when will I leave 
> the council?

        Ah ;-)

> This time line is set to "in about a month" for about a year now (as 
> this is the time frame where we constantly delay elections).

        Right - surely this is bending to breaking point the existing
(pointlessly over-complicated IMHO) council charter (interesting URL


        Reading that, I guess there is a resignation option if you have a
deputy - and presumably can be done quietly & tastefully: clearly you've
served the term you were elected for & some with distinction :-)

> Oh .. I gave up to try to change the councils structure from within the 
> council around OOoCon07. You know .. it needs a consensus vote of all 
> council members to get something changed. So - as long as at least one 
> council members is there, claiming we do not need to change anything .. 
> the council is not going to change anything.
> So before we do not have a strong interest from the community to change 
> the councils charter, we will not see any change.

        Hokay - so, how do you suggest we demonstrate that sort of thing ? I
for one loathe all these huge top-quoted "+1" type mails around the
place ;-) but - would you welcome suggesting a vote of "the community"
on my proposal ? ;-)



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