
Datatude schrieb:
So much about OOo is geared to programmers. Using IRC to discuss "community" issues is a prime example. IRC, while it does have advantages over other communication methods (as far as I understand it) requires:

-- a software client most people do not have installed on their computers
same for AIM

-- knowledge of how to find the right server and get on the right channel
same for AIM

-- understanding of all the lingo, commands, etc
same for AIM (there are several ICQ clients that are as easy as other IM cleints, that use AIM servers)

If OOo's Council (and other OOo groups) truly want to provide broad accessibility to the masses of folks interested in participating (for I do believe that a mass of interested people does exist) you must move, IMO, *away from IRC*. Use AIM servers and typical chat clients.
So maybe the barrier might be lower for some .. it is higher for others (I know a lot of users who never used AIM).


BTW.: I'm *not* a developer (not hacking code) within the OOo community ;)

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