Hi Martin,

you wrote:
> We established the release meeting some years ago with good
> participation from non Oracle people to speak about possible
> exceptions from the rules within the release process. That's why
> we tried have people from QA, l10n, marketing, dev, documentation,
> etc on board to be able to make good decisions.
Yes, I know - and that's a good thing.

> This might have not be well understood by everybody as
> http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=releases&msgNo=16135
> shows, but to take that meeting where community participation in
> decision making was actually executed, is trying to propagate FUD.
I beg your pardon? It was not me who framed members of the release
meeting as having a hidden agenda. To the best of my knowledge, it
was a standing rule not to integrate features past feature freeze -
and everytime that happened, unilaterally by Sun, it broke the build
for the non-Sun platforms. I guess Rene can give the whole picture

The mail you quote is about what should be regarded a showstopper
fix, so it doesn't really apply to the case at hand.


-- Thorsten

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