On 10/14/2010 03:30 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 10/14/2010 05:57 AM, Malte Timmermann wrote:
> ...
>> It's not clear to me how contributions to LO will make their way to
>> OpenOffice.org.
>> For me, it looks very much one-way: LO grabbing a lot of stuff from OOo,
>> but LO not contributing anything to OOo.
> ...
> In the same hand it's not clear, to me, why OOo haven't taken advantage
> of code contributions from others - go-oo for example... A prime example
> of this is OOo's stance on not using, or offering gstreamer, and instead
> insisting linux users using closed, old (2003), outdated, not-updated,
> jmf instead for sound & video. In July it was announce that OOo will
> finally support gstreamer:
> <http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/entry/better_multimedia_support_for_openoffice1>
> [comments are necessary reading]
> <http://people.gnome.org/~michael/blog/2010-07-06-ooo-gstreamer.html>
> Supposedly OOo will have gstreamer in OOo 3.4? I see no sign of it in
> 3.3dev.

OK, the to & fro regarding my question was somewhat interesting... I
still have no idea which stance is correct. However I do have an
additional question for the Sun/Oracle folks that maintain that
Novell/go-oo wouldn't/couldn't/didn't share gstreamer code with them:
what prevented Sun from developing their own code/patches using
gstreamer to begin with?

While I see the 'unstable' argument used, JMF wasn't/isn't exactly the
most "stable"; it is of course sincerely old, outdated & not user
install friendly. Previous versions of gstreamer may not have been
considered "stable", but then again it is LGPL and the code has always
been available for OOo Sun devs to use/modify/implement... not to
mention contribue to. Certainly the devs for these applications found it
not to mention just about all linux distros.

Point being is from a "users" perspective, the lack of proper sound &
video support in OOo linux has been a thorn in OOo's side for quite some
time... hence the reason to use the ximian/go-oo builds instead. One
only needs to search the OOo users list for threads with Impress issues
regarding sound & video.

If OOo/Oracle/whoever succeeds in ridding standard OOo of JMF &
implementing gstreamer, or similar, then OOo will have a chance in to
office wars. But if OOo does not, then I reckon folks will contine to
use alternatives that do. Afterall, these are tools which are meant to
be productive.

There are of course other basic issues with OOo/Impress/et al. Given
that Christian Lippka spent time posting about gstreamer, I wonder as we
approach the 1 year anniversary of this thread:
  Subject: Embedding Audio/Video in Impress documents
  Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 16:11:16 +0100
  (dev user-experience)
my reply:
what, if any, progress has been made?

Here's another: forms.

If OOo can't fix that, gstreamer, etc., then of course users will turn
to alternatives. Whether those are OOo alternatives, or other
opensource/commercial alternatives are, I suppose, up to the
OOo/LibO/go-oo dev communities to decide.

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